Energy Procurement, Management, and Guidance

AEC does all the electricity and natural gas procurement for its clients, working with the top suppliers in the country and employing a proprietary and transparent RFP process for energy supply procurement, ensuring that AEC clients pay the lowest possible rates for energy.

Every year the AEC Energy Management team works with other energy professionals to create annual (and monthly) budgets and forecasts for electricity expenses for each building in the portfolio. Additionally, AEC Energy Management provides guidance to the buildings on if and when to hedge the power. Many of the country’s largest landlords procure on the daily (‘day-ahead’) market and then block out the summer and winter peak periods. AEC Energy Management implements a similar methodology for its buildings under management but is not ‘married to it’. This “block and index” strategy should protect the buildings for the long term from spikes in the cost of power during peak periods. The strategy has been shown to reduce the cost of power over the long term. AEC Energy Management is uniquely qualified to implement this program as its principals are energy professionals and consultants with decades of experience in energy procurement.

As your energy manager, AEC works closely with your senior management team to achieve effective energy oversight. Based on a thorough analysis of your current energy portfolio, AEC creates a customized strategy to reduce and control energy costs for each property. As part of our process, we utilize a database to monitor your energy results on a continuous basis and make ongoing strategic decisions.

The team at AEC Energy Management has over two decades of experience in both the retail and wholesale energy markets. The company has access to arguably more information than other consultants and our goal is to provide our clients with market intelligence.

We source and analyze the bids of the nation’s largest energy suppliers (most of whom own generation as well), and we evaluate the details for you. We hold our clients’ hands and assist them in making the most informed decision that is in the best interests of their stakeholders.

The AEC energy procurement process includes:

  • Retrieval of load information from the local utility.

  • Evaluation of building energy usage profiles and market data.

  • Discussion of management’s risk tolerance and procurement strategy preferences

  • Customized RFP sent to multiple vetted large suppliers (after internal AEC’s due diligence and preferably those with their own energy generation)

  • Analysis of the RFP results

  • Negotiation of the supplier contract with all the details – representing our clients’ best interests

  • Explain all contract conditions in plain English with clients

  • Assistance with transition to a new provider(s) to make it seamless

  • Continuously monitor the market and identify opportunities and options for renewals, and account adjustments

Our Partner Suppliers


and many more of the nation’s largest energy suppliers!


The energy markets are in constant transition. Volatility spikes have affected the budgets and income of some of the largest and most well-established real estate companies in the nation. AEC Energy Management provides transparent information, that allows clients to reduce costs in almost every market environment.

Market intelligence that stays current, thorough, comprehensive, and clear, assists clients in analyzing their energy consumption and costs with the ultimate goal of predictability, and lower cost.  Our teams do the research and analysis and bring information to the table that assists our clients in getting back control of their energy load and spending.  AEC serves as a continuous “Market Monitor” for clients which provides them with an advantage over other competitive real estate companies who attempt to function without this assistance.